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A World of Discovery for Little Pearl!

Here is an update on little Pearl, the orphan macaque who was handed over to WFFT just last week. We assume she is still missing her mother but she is surprisingly settling in well with her new surrogate parents at the WFFT Wildlife Hospital. She loves to cuddle her teddies and feeling the safety and warmth in the arms of the vet team.

Jub-Jib the WFFT hospital long-term resident has not really taken any notice of Pearl but has been trying to steal her milk as you can see in the pictures. Wherever food is Jub-Jib is sure to follow.

We hope you will enjoy seeing Pearls progress which seems unexpected for this broken soul who she was just a week ago – kept as a pet after being bought on a night market full of people, noises, and sadness.

See her rescue story here: https://www.wfft.org/wildlife-general/meet-pearl-another-broken-soul-will-break-heart/).

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