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An Incredible and Unexpected New Life for Joe!

Do you remember Joe the macaque that spent 25 years in solitary confinement, in a trash filled box in Bangkok?

The start of Joe’s story is harrowing. Thanks to all those throughout the world who were moved by Joe’s story, and supported us. See rescue video here:

Joe was rescued from a dark hell last year. He had been in a hell hole since 1991! 25 years… No water to drink, in almost complete darkness, alone, in his own and human dirt, “his world” being only 70x80x80 centimeters! (see his full story here: )

Since his arrival at the WFFT centre, he was trying to recover some skills, some trust and hope. After being broken from years of abuse, this old guy needed some time to adjust to his new found ‘freedom’, the sights and sounds of other macaques, fresh air and natural surroundings.

Last week, after spending some time in a side enclosure next to our old lady field, Joe was allowed into into the field with 3 other elderly macaques, Rose, Wan Jai and Jaw. It has taken some time to teach this old guy how to be a macaque again, as you can see from the pictures, Joe is doing great considering his past life.

The natural substrate – grass, trees, a pool, places to climb, places to hide, and most importantly new troop mates! We’ll keep you of course update about this blossoming friendships.

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