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Local students save a Barn owl with the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Team!

A few weeks ago (15/01/2018), students from a local university found a Barn Owl (Tyto alba) on the floor. It was unable to fly so they called WFFT for our help.
The WFFT Vet Team gave the owl a full heath check, no visible injuries were detected, it was very weak and underweight. It also has a few baby feathers, so it has not yet reached full adulthood. It is often very difficult to determinate the sex of birds, and in this instance, it is not necessary to sex this bird, we have named it ‘Hedwig’. The decision was taken to keep her at the rescue centre to build up her strength. After getting some rest and being hand fed, she is better now can even eat by herself.
In Thai culture this nocturnal bird is synonym of bad luck. Indeed, owls are staying next to cemetery and temple when there are funerals. Thus, assimilate to death they are often victim of poisonings or ‘simply’ radically shot. Regarding her actual condition, she will be released back to the wild as soon as we are sure she will have the best chance of survival.
Of course, we will update you on this happy event and will post photos of her going back to wild skies and freedom. This is real magic!

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