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Bowie Ashes to Ashes 29/01/2016 to 28/07/2018

It is with great “Sorrow” that we have to share the heartbreaking news that our much loved Malayan Sun Bear ‘Bowie’ passed away.

Bowie arrived at WFFT as a tiny bundle of joy on the same week as the great David Bowie passed away. She has been a fitting tribute to her namesake since. A real “Rebel Rebel” who melted the hearts of all who worked with her and met her. Like her namesake she also lived too short but had some “Golden Years”.

Snatched from the wild having witnessed her mother being slaughtered for the illegal wildlife trade in medical parts and bushmeat, she was the most trusting and forgiving animal it has been our pleasure to meet. Mischievous, playful, inquisitive, gentle and loyal. She was a real “Blackstar” to the “Heroes” who cared for her every need at WFFT.

We are not certain of the cause of her death until we get the results back from the laboratory. We can assure you she did not suffer. The WFFT Vet team did everything they could for her but could not save her. The grief the team are feeling is dampened by the work they continue to do. “Under Pressure” but the work has to carry on every day. “Changes” continue apace at WFFT and we can’t let one dark moment detract from the work we do.

We will never forget you Bowie and ask that when you hear one of her namesakes songs you think of her too, our little “Modern Love”.

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