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Deena’s baby is doing so well!

Malaysian sun bear gives birth at WFFT!

It is not very common for a malayan sun bear to give birth in captivity, and in many cases cubs will not live long after birth and besides that mothers of these cubs will often eventually kill their own offspring and even eat them. It is for that reason that we at WFFT are very proud to show you our first images of “Deena” and her 5 months old cub “Deedo” as it’s father is called “Dodo”.

Mother and child go for a walk

WFFT does not promote or encourage breeding in captivity, but as Deena and Dodo both have been put forward for a malayan sun bear rehabilitation project two years ago they have been allowed to mate and eventually have offspring. It is of course very good to know that any wildlife released back to the wild can produce and bring up their offspring! The care for Deedo by Deena confirms here that she would indeed be a good candidate for release back to the wild.

Deedo climbs one of her trees

Deena and Deedo share a large enclosure at WFFT with father Dodo being kept in a similar enclosure next to mother and cub, until the cub is large enough to be introduced to her father. Dodo is very curious about the little cub and we feel that within this year they can live together, right now the sniffing at the fence is the only direct contact they have.

Deena and Deedo enjoy lunch

Over the last 2 months WFFT has received complaints about 5 bears being kept around the country in bad circumstances, we are now working on the rescue of 3 of these and expect to take in these 3 bears shortly. WFFT is still very happy and gracious with the help of Free the Bears International (

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