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Severely Injured Dog Attack Long-Tailed Macaque Rescued

A few days ago the WFFT Rescue Team headed out to investigate a report of a young macaque that was found unable to move and taken to a temple not to far from the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre. Upon arrival at the temple the team found a juvenile female long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) that had been brought to the temple for the monks to care for after being attacked be a feral dog. She was immediately taken for an x-ray then brought back to the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Hospital for further treatment.

The long-tailed macaque is listed as Least Concern (LC) by the IUCN Red list of Threatened Species, in view of its wide distribution, presumed large population, tolerance of a broad range of habitats, occurrence in a number of protected areas. Although it is under heavy hunting pressure for the pet trade, meat, sport and trophies, this is not considered a major threat to the species overall. Females are often taken into breeding facilities and males are exported internationally primarily for use in laboratory research. They are regularly persecuted as pests. Habitat loss is also a localised threat, but the species can persist in a variety of habitats and very adaptable.

After a check over by the WFFT Vet team it appears that this little macaque cannot use the bottom half of her body. The results of the x-ray show no broken bones, so nervous system damage is the most likely cause to her inability to move her legs. We have named her ‘Nolua’, she has been with us a few days now, she is eating and drinking well. If she is to recover from her ordeal it may take months for her to regain feeling in the bottom half of her body, we are hopeful that with the correct treatment and therapy we can give this little one another chance at life. We will keep you updated on her progress.

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