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Adoptions can be purchased for yourself, as a gift for loved ones or in memory of a special person.

We will formally acknowledge your contribution with a certificate and if you would like to arrange for the certificate to contain details of another person or organisation, we are happy to facilitate your wishes.

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Berniesouthern cassowary – Before coming to WFFT, this southern cassowary lived at a temple for around 10 years. Then, one day, he escaped. The people that tried to capture him hurt Bernie very badly. He had traumatic injuries to his beak, eyes, crest, throat and right eye. We soon discovered that he also had brain damage. Thankfully, he got the help he needed at WFFT and now is a firm favourite amongst staff and volunteers. However, as a brain-damaged and non-native bird, he will need care for the rest of his life. Sponsor Bernie and help him get the care he needs. 

Jackasiatic golden jackal – Jack arrived at WFFT in November 2016 after being found alone walking through an urban area north of the city of Bangkok. We suspect that Jack is a dumped unwanted pet, due to his tameness. Jackals are not pets! Thankfully, he was brought to WFFT and he now lives in a large forested enclosure with other jackals with similar pasts. Sponsor Jack today.

Tarablue and yellow macaw – This beautiful bird was kept as a pet for about five years and came to WFFT in 2009. Macaws are highly intelligent and live a long time – they, like all wildlife, should not be kept as pets. As a non-native bird, Tara will remain at WFFT and need life-long care. Help us give her that care by becoming her sponsor. 


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