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A gibbon and Monkey rescued after 22 years in misery

Rescue at last!

This Stump-tailed macaque called “Nadaeng” and this gibbon “Nee” are both 22 and 23 years old, they have spend the last 20 years in these cages. 20 years! Yet now it might be legal for them to be there as the owner has legal documents to keep the wild animals at his home, but did you know that rescuing these animals might be against the law? We decided to help these animals as soon as we could because it was a great injustice to see them suffer like this, in small dirty cages with no drinking water. On a good day having some rain water but on a bad day drinking their own urine. The gibbon needs urgent eye surgery, that can be done at Chulalongkorn University after rescue.

We finally got the owners to hand over the gibbon and macaque after 5 visits and dozens of phone calls. Both animals are now at WFFT and will need several medical check-ups and a long treatment. The gibbon will get eye surgery soon at Chulalongkorn University, the best veterinary faculty in Thailand!

We will keep you updated! See hereunder the short video of the rescue and thereunder the photos of their home for the last 22 years…

Video of the rescue day:

Some of the photos before rescue:

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